Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update on Auto Bailout

I have been following this story for a few weeks and it has been very interesting to me. On the surface, it looks like another hand out with a tin-cup, but in actuality millions of American jobs are at stake. It's tough to say whether bailing the auto-industry out is necessary, or if it would simply be throwing more good money (That we don't actually have) at bad money. It looks like the bailout is going to happen with lots of oversight; the best Barnie Frank can come up with. The 3 CEO's actually drove to Washington this time in Hybrid cars and pleaded for 2 days on why they desperately need the money to keep the lights on. What's upsetting to hear is that whatever money is set aside is only meant to hold them over until March, which will give the new incoming Obama administration a couple months to study this case and figure out what to do with it; This may include more money. Worst case scenario; if the big 3 go under, unemployment could hit 11%. Currently, we are at about 6.7%. Good-luck figuring this one out congress..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Did you know there is a bailout for you? Probably not, but Obama is making it better for us already! Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailout is for YOU