Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bailout rejected by Congress, but still hopeful??

"My hope is that the administration and the Congress will still find a way to give the industry the temporary assistance it needs while demanding the long-term restructuring that is absolutely required." -President-Elect Barack Obama
The bailout bill for the auto-industry was rejected in the senate last Thursday, and surprisingly, now the Bush administration has stepped in and gone as far as saying that assistance must be given to the Big 3-->even if it meant tapping into the TARP funds which President Bush had long maintained was out of the question. What is going on? Congress is supposed to be the authority, the law-making part of our government. Now the executive branch is brushing them aside for whatever reason. I don't understand what the problem with a chapter 11 bankruptcy is which will give the Big 3 the opportunity to restructure their business model and become much more efficient. All of this comes despite the fact that the Big 3 have said that this is simply a bridge loan and that more funds will be needed next year when the new administration comes into office. The government is handing money left and right; maybe we should all ask to have our bills paid. Everyone has to live on a budget and so should businesses.

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