Sunday, December 14, 2008

President Bush receive's a "unique" welcome

At a press conference with Iraqi Prime minister Al-Maliki, a man in the crowd hurled two shoes at the president in a show of resentment to comments made during that meeting when President Bush announced that after almost 6 years, "The war is not over."
I wanted to write about this story because it is a very sad situation. President Bush's will forever be remembered by a questionable win for the presidency against Al Gore, and a very unpopular war in Iraq. I realize that his decision to invade Iraq when he did was very premature to say the least, but I can't help but wonder what history will teach us in maybe 40 years or 50 years. I am pretty sure that when President lincoln freed the slaves he was pretty unpopular, or that when schools in America were desegregated in the 50's, that was an unpopular decision as well. I am not trying to justify what has happened; I am only saying that before we begin to disrespect the leader of the free world, we should really look at what is going on. I am also not saying that we have to agree with everything that our leaders say or do. In America we cherish our right to free speech and can respectfully voice our concerns or disagreements when we choose to. In fact, I bet the man who threw the two shoes at President Bush didn't even stop to think that he could not have done that a few years ago. Opposition to Sadaam Hussein meant certain extermination; not anymore.

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