Saturday, December 6, 2008

Oil Prices...Down again

Oil hit a low of $40.83 per barrel, which puts it down about 72% from less than 5 months ago when it was sitting at about $147 per barrel. At every gas station regular unleaded gas is well under $2 per gallon; in most places its about $1.79. Who would have thought this would happen so soon. The last time I remember paying such low prices, I was still a Junior in highschool. Now, the talk is that gas prices could dip down to a $1 per gallon, where just five months ago, it was fear that it might hit $5 or more per gallon. What does this mean? The bad thing is that this is definately a sign that our economy is very weak; the last time oil was near $1 was in 2001, 3 months after the terrorist attacks in NY. The good thing is that these cheap oil prices may be just what we need to help the economy turn around.

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