Sunday, November 16, 2008

President-elect Obama's cabinet??

So, I was watching the news today and of course the talk was (has been for a few days) about who President-elect Obama might have in mind for his cabinet appointments. Sen. Clinton for secretary of state ??? But, then I heard a really comforting thing; assuming it actually happens. News anchors hinted that Obama may want to create a cabinet of enemies, as President Lincoln had done in the past with the hope that the best end results can be achieved this way. That sounded very good to me. I have always said that the most in-effective way to solve problems is by surrounding yourself with a bunch of yes-men/women. Forcing people to consider different view points and then find a way to compromise with eachother might not be the easiest thing in world to live with, but the end result would be the best solution possible for the people it will affect, and that's really what government ought to do. Hopefully, this idea materializes.

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