Sunday, October 5, 2008

Maddow is not Responsable

I can not believe how biased MSNBC is. Rachel Maddow and Keith Oberman are the worst. About a week or two ago I tuned in to the Rachel Maddow show just to get a different perspective on things and I was astonished. She was showing a clip of Carly Fiorina saying that none of the Presidential or VP candidates were qualified to run a fortune 500 corporation; and I noticed that the clip Maddow played for her viewers was cut short after the names of the Republican candidates were mentioned just before the names of the Democratic candidates would be mentioned as well. That seems like very irresponsable journalism. I was able to watch the whole clip on Fox were all four candidates were mentioned in Fiorina's statement, but I can't help but think that many people who did not watch the whole clip or who do not avidly follow politics can be persuaded to vote a certain way by that kind of mis-information. Very BAD!!!